February 5, 2006

  • Superbowl is on and i found these things so i'm doing them. LOL


    (put an X in the space between the [ ])

    1 - [x] Gotten Drunk
    2 - [] Smoked pot/ciggrette
    3 - [ ] Wrecked a car
    4 - [] Ridden in a police car
    5 - [x] Saved an email
    6 - [] Said I love you
    7 - [] Fell in love with a best friend
    8 - [ ] Came to school high
    9 - [x] Hung up on somebody
    10 -[x] Held hands with somebody
    11 -[ ] Been to a Warped Tour
    12 -[x] Bought clothes at Wal-Mart
    13 -[x] Broke something in Wal-Mart
    14 -[x] talked back to a teacher
    15 -[ ] Ripped up a detention
    16 -[ ] Got into a fist fight at a public place
    17 -[] Skinny Dipped
    18 -[ ] Gotten a caracature done of yourself
    19 -[x] Gone to Six Flags
    20 -[x] Cried in school
    21 -[x] Broken a bone
    22 -[ ] Ran in a Marathon
    23 -[ ] Been to the Masters
    24 -[ ] Ripped your jeans in a public place
    25 - [x] Cried just so you'd get something
    26 - [x] Ran away from home
    27 - [] Listened to music so loud the neighbors complained
    28 - [ ] Skipped detention
    29 - [ ] tYpEd lIkE dIs
    30 - [x] Wore your pants so low that your underwear showed
    31 - [x] Shot a gun
    32 - [x] Cussed in school
    33 - [x] Got into a fight with your best friend
    34 - [ ] Broken someone's heart
    35 - [x] Cried when somebody died
    36 - [ ] Bought a Britney Spears CD
    37 - [] Went to a movie with someone that you liked
    38 - [x] Had a goldfish
    39 - [x] Broken a window
    40 - [x] Said "izzle" in a word
    41 - [x] Made up a nickname for yourself
    42 - [x] Gotten so mad you kicked/punched a hole in your bedroom wall
    43 - [x] Been kissed
    44 - [x] Been to a foreign country
    45 - [x] Owned a band t-shirt
    46 - [x] Been late for school
    47 - [x] Bribed someone
    48 - [x] Played with a lighter
    49 - [x] Made fun of someone
    50 - [x] Told someone that you liked, how you felt

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